Experienced AI Engineers & Entrepreneurs
A Boston-founded but global group of people who love building products and building companies.
For AI Engineers and Entrepreneurs who like taking ideas from 0 to 1 using cutting-edge tools and strategies to unlock value for people.
Think you're Smaht? Apply to be a member
No cost to join. This is an exclusive community for highly efficient builders and operators, skilled in Generative AI, Data Engineering, Machine Learning and Entrepreneurship
Meet some of the AI Engineering Consultants
If your company needs fractional AI Engineers or strategic Generative AI help, set aside 30 minutes to talk with our members and see how we can help
Sean Kruzel
AI Engineer🔸 Founder🔸 Global Macro Hedge Fund Quant🔸Full Stack Developer

Andrei Radulescu-Banu
Innovative Digital Health, Fintech, Robotics Solutions🔸 Math PhD, MIT

Vishnu Patel
Quantitative Finance Developer🔸 BU Questrom MS


Empowering AI Engineers and Entrepreneurs to Build and Innovate
At Smaht.ai, we believe in the power of collaboration and the potential of cutting-edge technology to drive meaningful change. Our community is designed for AI engineers and entrepreneurs who are passionate about transforming ideas into reality.


Fostering Innovation Through Collaboration
Our mission is to create a vibrant, supportive community that empowers members to unlock their full potential. By sharing tools, templates, techniques, and consulting opportunities, we help each other achieve better results and take on larger projects.
Why Join Smaht.ai?


Exclusive Access
Gain access to a private, high-quality community of like-minded AI professionals and entrepreneurs.


Collaborative Projects
Work on larger, more impactful projects by collaborating with other members.


Resource Sharing
Benefit from shared tools, templates, and techniques to enhance your work.


Continuous Learning
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest strategies, trends, and insights in AI and entrepreneurship.


Networking Opportunities
Connect with industry leaders, potential partners, and clients within the community.
Membership Process
How to Join
We are a Boston-based private community with a selective membership process to ensure the highest quality and alignment with our values. Here’s how you can join Smaht.ai:
  1. Application: Fill out our online application form.
  1. Review: Our team will review your application to ensure it aligns with our community values and goals.
  1. Interview: If your application is shortlisted, we will schedule a 15-minute video call to get to know you better.
  1. Invitation: Successful applicants will receive an invitation to join our Slack community.
Community Principles
"The future is here, and we will help do our part to ensure its safe and equitable distribution to benefit people and the planet"
At Smaht.ai, we adhere to a set of core principles that guide our community’s growth and interactions:
  • Collaboration Over Competition: We believe that by working together, we can achieve more and create greater value.
  • Continuous Improvement: We strive to learn, grow, and improve continuously, both as individuals and as a community.
  • Integrity and Respect: We maintain a culture of integrity, respect, and mutual support.
  • Innovation and Creativity: We encourage innovative thinking and creative problem-solving.
  • Community Contribution: We value contributions to the community and recognize the importance of giving back.
Supporting Open Source
Sponsoring Innovation and Collaboration
We are committed to supporting the broader tech community by sponsoring open-source projects. We believe in the power of open-source to drive innovation and provide valuable tools and resources for everyone. Our sponsorships aim to:
  • Promote Collaboration: Encourage collaboration among developers and innovators to create high-quality, impactful open-source projects.
  • Provide Resources: Offer financial support, mentorship, and other resources to help open-source projects thrive.
  • Foster Innovation: Support projects that push the boundaries of technology and offer new solutions to common challenges.
By sponsoring open-source projects, we not only contribute to the advancement of technology but also reinforce our commitment to community values and shared success.
Contact Us
Get in Touch
If you have any questions or would like more information about Smaht.ai, please feel free to contact us. We are here to help and look forward to welcoming new members to our community.
  • Location: Boston, MA
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